About Us

Some of our volunteers

Elaine Tappin
Lead Coordinator
About Sickle Cell Suffolk
We are a local community group based in Ipswich, serving Suffolk.
We support those living with sickle cell and promote awareness in the community of sickle cell and sickle cell trait.
We work with the NHS Blood and Transplant service (NHSBT) to raise awareness of the need for blood donation in the Black African and Caribbean and Mixed Heritage people to donate blood.
Sickle Cell Suffolk (formerly known as Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Support Suffolk) was established in 2014 by Anetta Bradshaw and Helga Borges who had first-hand experience of living with sickle cell.
The aim of the group was to share experiences of living with sickle cell to service providers and make improvements where there were concerns.
These experiences were shared with Suffolk Family Carers, Karibu (an African women’s support group) and Healthwatch Suffolk. Together a case was put forward to Public Health.
Public Health provided a small grant from the GAROD Project (Groups At Risk Of Disadvantage), to help fully establish the group, while Healthwatch Suffolk continued to offer support and publicity.
Meetings were also held with the Ipswich hospital board to share some of the concerns. Positive measures were agreed that needed to be put in place.
We link with The Sickle Cell Society; the only national charity in the UK that supports and represents people affected by sickle cell.
The group is now known as Sickle Cell Suffolk.
Want to volunteer?
Join our friendly team of volunteers and meet inspirational people, whilst supporting our life-saving cause.
Get in touch using our contact details below or fill in the contact form, and a member of our team will get back to you.
Email: sicklecellsuffolk@gmail.com
Tel: 07916 975500